Whatsapp is a very popular text messaging app. However, many people do not know that they can actually do some simple text formatting on whatsapp to add some spices to their text. Let us show you how to do that!

For example, look at the below whatsapp message:

Here is how to format your whatsapp text to achieve the above effects:

  1. Add bold text by surrounding it with the * (asterisk) symbol. Eg. "This is a very *important notice*."
  2. Add italic text by surrounding it with the _ (underscore) symbol. Eg. "This is a _funny_ joke."
  3. Add strike-through text by surrounding it with the ~ (tilde) symbol. Eg. "He is pretty ~dumb~ honest to say that."

You can use any combination of the above three formatting methods, for example, "This is a *_piece of bold and italic_* text."

Now that you know how to format your whatsapp text, feel free to go test them out and add some spice to your text messaging app!